Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Those Wacko 'Love Thy Neighbor' Christians

I may be a Christian, but it's not like I'm one of those wacko "love your neighbor as yourself " types.

Funny stuff, this. Read it here.


  1. One could make a case that this is funny because it is more true than satirical. I love it.

  2. Thanks for the reminder of the need to life a balanced Christian life, and to avoid fanaticism and extremism. I was taken to task on my blog for suggesting that giving money to beggars was an act of "Christian" charity. Fancy that!

  3. s-p, your observation that this is more true than satirical rings true. I forwarded this to a co-worker who, unbelievably, took it as straight-up serious. I then had to explain the concepts of satire, parody and irony. It's worse than we thought!

  4. sigh... a bad Christian AND illiterate too... not a good combo for defending the faith. :)

  5. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Ah, The Onion. :-)

