Sunday, March 31, 2013

Sunday Smorgasboard (IV)

Whenever the wolf at my financial door shows the slightest hint of backing away, my thoughts are not "What can I save?" or "What can I pay-off?" or "What can I repair around the house?" but rather, Where can I go?  Travel articles such as this one--about hiking in the Albanian Alps--really whet my appetite.


  1. I always love hearing about your travels... Showed your blog to my husband, as I knew that he would really like it and sure enough, I was correct. I continue to be glad that you write here.

  2. Elizabeth, you always have the kindest and most encouraging things to say. Thank you for that.

    In recent months I have been traveling back and forth to a jobsite in Louisiana two days every week. I have taken a number of pictures and have contemplated writing a "travel post" on the idosyncracies of deep East Texas and southwestern Louisiana. I still may do so, given enough time.

    Beyond that, I may very well return to the Republic of Georgia in June, so that should provide much fodder for the blog.

  3. Anonymous11:44 PM

    Ron Paul looks so much nicer that way.
