Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Greece's Dostoevsky: The Theological Vision of Alexandros Papadiamandis

I have been requested to help spread the word about the recent publication of Greece's Dostoevsky: The Theological Vision of Alexandros Papadiamandis, offered by Protecting Veil Press. I became an enthusiast of Papadiamandis upon reading The Boundless Garden about two years ago. Little of his work is available in English, so this reasonably-priced volume should be a welcome addition, as well as an introduction to those unfamiliar with Papadiamandis. I understand that this current publication contains two short stories, one from The Boundless Garden and another previously unpublished in English.

Herman A. Middleton, the translator, guest posted about Papadiamandis at Byzantine TX on September 30, and at Eighth Day on October 4. Future posts will be at Biblicalia at on October 6 and Mystagogy on October 11.

I hope that more and more American Orthodox readers (and non-Orthodox, for that matter) will become familiar with Papadiamandis and his work. We will certainly profit from doing so. I also want to express my appreciation to Herman for his commitment to this project.


  1. This one is deep on my to read list...I need to bump it up. I just finished a small biography on Dostoevesky from Thomas Nelson that was surprisingly good.

    Thanks for the info

  2. I've been searing off such intellectual material for a few years, but this might just crack the nut. I'd really like to read it.

  3. Theron...hope you enjoy the book!
    David...I understand your sentiment...we worked hard to make the book accessible to a general audience...I hope we succeeded!
