Monday, May 30, 2011

What I'll Be Reading (for quite a little bit)

Back in December, I listed the books I intended to read over the next few months. That list is now finished, the volumes are on the shelves, and it is time to start the process anew. My current book stack is as follows:


The Ascetical Homilies of Saint Isaac the Syrian
The Cambridge History of the Byzantine Empire, c. 500-1492

RECENT ACQUISITIONS (heavy on Pelikan, Runciman and Byzantine/Georgian anything):

Aristotle East and West by David Bradshaw
Byzantium and the Roman Primacy by Francis Dvornik
Mary Through the Centuries by Jaroslav Pelikan
Jesus Through the Centuries by Jaroslav Pelikan
The Captain of our Salvation by Rowan A. Greer
The Christian Intellectual by Jaroslav Pelikan
The Light of the World by Jaroslav Pelikan
The Ascetic Life, The Four Centuries on Charity by St. Maximus the Confessor
Maximus the Confessor by Andrew Louth
The Eastern Schism by Steven Runciman
Byzantium in the Ninth Century by Lelie Brubaker
The Medieval Manichee by Steven Runciman
The Sicilian Vespers by Steven Runciman
The Fall of Constantinople 1453 by Steven Runciman
Fools for Christ by Jaroslav Pelikan
Byzantine Gospel by Aidan Nichols
Byzantine Style and Civilization by Steven Runciman
The Excellent Empire by Jaroslav Pelikan
Mothers and Sons, Fathers and Daughters by Michael Psellos
The Cave Monasteries of Byzantine Cappadocia by Lyn Rodley
The Last Years of the Georgian Monarchy, 1658-1832 by David Marshall Lang

ON THE LOOK-OUT FOR (should finances permit):

Prince Ioann of Georgia and his "Kalmasoba" by David Marshall Lang
Digenes Akrites by John Mavrogordato
Lasharela: A Georgian Chronicle of the 13th Century by Grigol Abishidze
Landmarks in Georgian Literature by David Marshall Lang
Bread and Ashes: A Walk Through the Mountains of Georgia by Tony Anderson
The Georgian Chronicles
Sanctified Vision by John J. O'Keefe
Stories I Stole by Wendell Steavenson
A Modern History of Georgia by David Marshall Lang

No doubt I will be commenting from time to time on some of these selections, and I would appreciate any advance reader previews that might be offered.

For all the world, it looks as though I am retreating into my Byzantine/Georgian cave. There are worse things, I suppose. It will keep me off the streets for a while, anyway.


  1. I've just finished a library copy of Bread and Ashes (Tony Andersen). He does a lot of high country walking and writes well about it but the part that really interested me was his exploration of the ancient churches & monasteries of Tao-Klarjeti, now N-E Turkey but once part of Georgia.

  2. Thanks, CG. I look forward to reading about that as well. I visited 3 or 4 of the old churches back in 2006.

  3. Great post, thanks for writing
