Monday, October 04, 2010


I guess you could say I am in the blogging doldrums. What with church, home and family, work, teaching, financial concerns, no traveling, another dog, etc., I find myself with less and less time to devote to the all-important blog posting. Clearly, my priorities are askew.

About all I can muster is this picture of my day-old chicks. They arrived in a small box through the U.S. Postal Service. The hatchery sent the 8 Buff Orpingtons and 6 guineas I ordered, plus 4 others of yet indeterminate background. In recent weeks, I have reconstituted the poultry pen behind my shed in the back yard. By spring, I ought to be in the egg-producing business in a big way. My pen is plenty large enough to accommodate other fowl besides chickens and guineas. In that regard, we eventually plan to add a pair of peafowl. We raised some before and they were a joy to behold. A few months back, my wife mentioned that she wished we had some again. I had thought the same thing, but now that it was her idea, the concept gained legitimacy. This comes from reading too much Flannery O'Connor, I suppose.


  1. how fun! and how crazy that they come by mail... :)

    I think Flannery had a eye for somethings, esp for how bizzare we humans can be...

  2. How cool is that? My wife was wanting chickens a few months ago, but hasn't done anything about it so far. We even have a chicken breeder farm in Phoenix.

  3. If you get any more, throw in a few silver laced wyandottes. They are the prettiest chickens to be found. Good layers, too.

  4. s-p,
    Surprise your wife--brings some chickens home.

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