Thursday, September 09, 2010

2010 Travel Notes #18: Back Home Again

Coming home has got to be the best part of any extended trip. From the way I carry on about traveling, one might think that I am just a vagabond, ready to go any where, for any length of time, at a moment's notice. While there may be some truth to all that, I am actually very grounded to a particular people and place--my wife, son and nephew, and an old house on a dead-end street in a quirky neighborhood of a small East Texas town.

I used to like to have some fun with my in-laws when I would return from overseas. None of them have ever been the least bit interested in where I have been or what I have seen. Usually I am gone for about two weeks before any of them notice my absence. Invariably upon return, I will hear--"Well, I guess you're glad to be home." Translated into what they really mean, it would be--"Well, I guess you're lucky to be back from whatever god-forsaken place you've been to this time, and hopefully you've learned your lesson going places where you don't have any business and that you've got it out of your system and you'll stay put from here on out." Whenever I would hear that, I would deadpan that yes, I was glad to be home. I had to come back and wash clothes before I could go somewhere else.

I would never let on (to them) just how excited I was to be back. And of course, it is the little things about being home I cherish--watching my wife sit at the kitchen bar, patiently listening to her hypochondriac cousin go through her daily litany of how she is "slipping away," all the while rolling her eyes and pantomiming being hung; listening to my wife discuss the prospect of this year's pea crop; sitting in my favorite chair in the sun room on Saturday morning, trying to get a couple of cups of coffee down me and the paper read before my son arrives; my dog who is content to be in whichever room I am in, where he can just look at me, except of course on Saturday mornings when I must drive him through the bank drive-through because he knows they hand out treats; walking down the darkened hallway that slices through the middle of our house as if passing inspection of my ancestors and in laws whose portraits line either side; reading in the study which juts out from the front of the house, enabling me also to keep tabs on developments on three blocks; walking in the yard at dusk and looking back at the flickering lights within the house. Yes, I am so glad to be back home.

This is the last post in this series. I hope they have been enjoyable and profitable. And I do appreciate your patience and indulgence.


  1. Excellent series. The nice thing about living in East Texas is that while it is VERY interesting to those who have an eye for the hidden eccentricity, it makes no unreasonable demands on one. In fact, it reminds me of what John Calvin said of his wife, "In all those years she was never of any hindrance to me."

  2. thanks for this series. I appreciated it. Wishing you a good beginning of autumn that will soon be upon us...

  3. Milton - that's a funny quote! Also, it sounds a bit like Saskatchewan....

    John - I do love these travelogues you give us. I'm not likely to ever be able to travel so extensively, so it is a pleasure to experience those places through you, so-to-speak.

  4. Great Thanks to Dr Oduduwa for helping me when i needed help.
    My name is Gabriel Anderson from USA I never believe in love spells until I experience Dr. DR Oduduwa temple, and after he cast a love spell for me my Ex called me to apologize for the pain that she has caused me and till today we are living a happy family, if you need a right place to solve your problems
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  5. A POWERFUL SPELL CASTER WHO WIPE A WAY MY SORROW Amazing?? i do not know how to thanks Dr Zuma zuk who did a spell that make my husband to come back to me.he left me for the past five years,and for the past five years i have been in pains,sorrow,bitterness and wiping.until i read a magazine about this man called Dr Zuma zuk,who help people to unite their relationship within two days.i never believe in spell or magic,so i decided to give him a try.i contacted him.he told me that he shall come back to me according to my believe.he also promise me that he shall return to me within two days,i was still doubting,if he can really do according to what he says,unfortunately on the third day he call me on phone saying that i should forget and forgive him.that he is now ready to love and cherish me,on the forth day he but a car for me to say he is very,very,very,sorry,big thanks to Dr Zuma zuk you help me to bring back my lovely husband,any body act their,having similar problem like this,thinking on what to do,Email him at ,he will surely but a smile on your face.not only that he can help . 1) Have promotion in anything you do 2 )Earn a good money 3)Success in business 4)spiritual problems 5) win court case Juan Regards
