Thursday, March 11, 2010

Road to Emmaus

I have let most of my magazine and journal subscriptions lapse the last few years. Somehow, life continues on. But I am hanging on to an incredible little journal, the Road to Emmaus. I consider their articles almost essential reading for American Orthodox. We struggle to find our footing here. We fret about our self-consciousness. We debate as to what constitutes a natural, organic Orthodox culture. In that context, I know of no better place to start than Road to Emmaus.

Their latest issue certainly justifies the cost of subscription. The lead article is a lengthy and insightful interview with Alice C. Linsley, who should be familiar to anyone who frequents Orthodox blogdom. The following articles, including one on the Holy Wells of Wales, look promising as well. There are only 4 issues a year, but I guarantee that you will want to keep them.


  1. I am very much enjoying the article on Adam and Eve on Alice's blog.

  2. Anonymous3:00 PM

    I love Road to Emmeaus, too, for some of the same reasons you say. I'm looking forward to reading the new issue.

  3. Now I really want to read about the Holy Wells of Wales!

  4. Ian,
    The 3rd article in this issue is on that very same St. Winefride's Well.
