Tuesday, August 18, 2009

One reason Southern Baptist preachers should not run for President

Huckabee in way over his head, here.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This view is very much like that put forward in “The One-State Solution,” by Muammar Qaddafi (NY Times, Op-Ed, Jan. 22, 2009):


  3. Orr,
    Thanks for the link to the Qaddafi article. I am not at all convinced that a 2-state solution is still feasible, either. I think the time has just passed for that, and demographic trends will make it increasingly untenable. Nevertheless, everyone involved still gives lip service to the 2-state solution and the much-vaunted "peace process." Huckabee's extreme 1-state solution, however, sees the Palestinians as little more than interlopers on the Jewish homeland. And while this view is that of most Americans who would support his candidacy, I think it has been the source of untold misery in the region for decades. Quaddafi's views (to the extent that we believe what he says) are eminently more realistic than Huckabee's. The good governor expressed the view that the "international community should consider establishing a Palestinian state some place else." Since "some place else" would exclude their actual home--Palestine--I would like to recommend the obvious alternative: Arkansas.

  4. Why is Huckabee even a contender, y'all?

    While we're at it, though, I'd like to point out that John's congressman is a Birther. LOL! And his governor has been talking secession!

  5. Yeah, yeah, yeah...rub it in Kirk. My esteemed congressman even made Doonsbury last week. Being targeted by Trudeau is usually a good sign that your political career is plumbing new depths. And as for my governor, unless you folks up there have started claiming Okie citizenship, he is your governor as well. Misery loves company, I guess.

  6. I know our congressman, Louis Ghomert. He represented me on a lawsuit one time and I consider him a friend. That said, he has no more business in Congress than Charlie Brown's dog does. While on the bench here in Tyler he once sentenced a girl to attend church, which tells me that his grasp of the Bill of Rights is feeble at best. Since going to Washington he has alligned himself with the most crackpot elements of the American right. I feel sure he thinks the CFR is run by Satanists, and that a clandestine group called the Illuminati is on the verge of controlling the world. For that reason, he is perfect for this district and will probably hold the office as long as he wants to.

  7. Bwahahahahahaha, Doonsbury! Giggle.

    I totally agree, by the way, that he's way over his head.
