Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Ethiopian Orthodoxy

If you are fascinated by Ethiopian Orthodox Christianity--as I am--you will certainly enjoy "Keepers of the Lost Ark?" in the current Smithsonian Magazine. A corollary article, Christmas in Lalibela, is also good.


  1. I do need to pick up that magazine, thank you.

  2. Mimi, you will also enjoy the magazine cover--an Ethiopian icon of the Theotokos.

  3. Anonymous8:05 PM

    Thanks for posting that, I need to pick it up. We had Ethiopian Orthodox members at our former parish when we were first there, until they finally got an Ethiopian priest and were able to start their own church. Our older daughter's godmother is a nun and an iconographer and she's been there 3 times to study with an Ethiopian iconographer - she has fascinating stories. And the food! We used to count the weeks until it was the Ethiopian women's turn to do coffee hour! ::::swoon:::: ; )
