Thursday, March 01, 2007

Freeman on Dostoevsky

I always enjoy Fr. Stephen Freeman's Glory to God for All Things. In a recent post on Dostoevsky, he notes having purchased the new translation of The Brothers Karamazov. (I found this interesting as I also bought the new version a few days ago. Facing several weeks of recuperation at home following surgery, I plan to really read TBK this time.) Fr. Stephen's article is excellent, as usual, but I particularly like the following paragraph:

This reality of our age has something to do with Orthodoxy for me. The “thinness” of Protestant thought and practice do not contain enough of heaven to serve as a sufficient antidote in our modern world - at least for me. I could not be a happy Protestant without somehow becoming blind to my own culture (for to a large extent, Protestantism simply is the culture and, for me, cannot be the bearer of Kingdom of God). Our culture has spawned many religions that are essentially worship of America itself (homegrown products like Mormonism is one that comes to mind - but I would have to quickly add almost all of the Protestant Churches that I know). I like America, but I do not think it is the bearer of the Kingdom of God.


  1. I didn't realize you were coming up on a convalescense. My prayers with you.

    I re-read "The Brothers K" last Lent, but I have the old Garnett translation. The new translation that is causing all the "buzz" is one I'd like to pick up at some time.

  2. Thanks, Mimi. I am having prostrate cancer surgery--the prognosis is very good, though.

    I can't wait to start "Brothers," but am waiting until after surgery to begin.

  3. Thanks be to God the prognosis is good. Please do keep me posted, on both your health and the book progress.

  4. Anonymous6:36 PM

    I've been reading the Bros. K for the past nine months. Maybe I can finish it before pascha...


  5. John:

    Many prayers for healing!
