Sunday, December 17, 2006

Return to the Hill Country

Part 6--Luckenbach on a Friday Night

Back in 1970s, the little German village of Luckenback, Texas became something of pop culture icon, or at least among Willie Nelson/Waylon Jennings/Chris Kristofferson aficionados. I hated all the hoopla back then. I have since mellowed, and let's face it, Luckenbach has always been mellow, so we are now a good match. This local watering hole persists, with a dogged determination to preserve a unique take on life. The old store has been there, almost forever. But the main attraction is the shed on the back--a 25' square room with a bar around 2 sides, a cookstove for heat, a smattering of benches and stools, with every inch of wall covered with memorabilia. On this particular Friday night, 6 musicians sat in a circle, taking turns picking and singing. Some 25-30 of us were huddled around, backing up to the stove for warmth when need be, listening to such classics as "Watching the Fire Go Out," and "I'm the Lonliest Man in Town." Or, at least with the obligatory Shiner Bock, they seemed like classics.


  1. Hi John,
    I've been swamped, but I keep checking into your blog and LOVE your travelogue. I'd love to do something like that some day, but I'd have to travel from Bremerton, Washington to South Carolina, Hawaii, Taiwan and a lot of points in between....

  2. Hi s-p,

    Thanks! And by the way, my radio is on the blink, so I burned 6-8 of your programs onto CDs, and that is what I listened to the entire time I was making the rounds in the Hill Country. So, you were right there with me, all the way. You make a good travelling companion, I'd say.

  3. Luke, I believe you are referring to that little-known classic, "Knoxville Squirrel."
